Paris is always a good idea


When is Paris a bad idea? Jamais. One day I woke up and thought; today is a good day for Paris. I visited the city of romance a couple years back but I felt like my memories needed a refreshing. I mostly hung around La Tour Eiffel, I mean what is Paris without the Eiffel Tower. The weather was wonderful which made everything even better.


This may sound weird but the thing I like about Paris is the metro. It’s so fascinating how fast you get from one side to the other side. I know other cities have underground metros too, but Paris is different.


Arc de Triomph, Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Notre Dame, .. everything is so pretty in the city of romance. The last time I went I took a bout trip on the Seine at night so I didn’t get to see much except the Eiffel Tower in sparkling lights. So, this time I decided to take a trip on the Seine again but not at night.

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Au revoir